mps lunch allowance
Damien Moore MP Conservative Southport. Search by MP type of allowance or date from 2008 until IPSA took over responsibility for the payment of Members expenses on 7 May 2010 from 2 March 2011 includes the Winding-up allowance. Who S Paying For Mps Lunches We Are Food The Guardian 5 These amendments have been made for a period of one year effective from April 1 2020. . These are constituency allowance and office expenses allowance. If the new proposals are adopted their monthly pay will go to at least Shs 25 million. Information on allowances for Members of the. In fact politics is the only career that I can think of where your get a food allowance and also get your rent or mortgage. On Wednesday night October 21st MPs controversially voted against a motion set out by the Labour Party to offer free school meals during. In these days of austerity and a global pandemic which are having a huge impact on the common mans income...